I'll make it blunt of what I can't seem to get my head round.

I have two edit boxs, values in both, and I want the value in editbox1 to be added to the value in editbox2. And then the value appear in editbox2.

If you can think of a way to do this, then please say :)

thank you

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editbox2.value := editbox1.value + editbox2.value;


place these two lines in the code where thecalculation is required. Invalidate will cause the editboxes to be re-diplayed with the current values. Note that the "value" tion is a place holder for whatever variable you are using to hold the value.

If you using a standard editbox and the value is stored in the caption property, the value name should change to caption. If you are using the caption rememeber that it is a string and you will have to convert the caption string to an integer or float value before the addition can be applied.

The first line would then read :

editbox2.caption := floatToStr (strToFloat (editbox1.caption)+ strToFloat(editbox2.caption));

if the value is an integer use strToInt & IntTostr functions. Also, remember to include sSysUtil in the Uses clause for the unit if it isn't already there.

commented: Has helped me with my delphi problem =) +1

I'll make it blunt of what I can't seem to get my head round.

I have two edit boxs, values in both, and I want the value in editbox1 to be added to the value in editbox2. And then the value appear in editbox2.

If you can think of a way to do this, then please say :)

thank you

If you are adding 2 numeric values then the code would look like this:

editbox2.text:= floattostr(strtofloat(editbox1.text)+strtofloat(editbox2.text));

If you are concatenating to values then it would look like this:

editbox2.text:= editbox1.text+editbox2.text;

commented: Has helped me with my delphi problem =) +1

Thank you for your help!

Thanks for the catch on my error. It is text , not caption!

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