So I took the instructors example. His is to print a report for Tree, Quantity, Unity Cost, Total cost. I need to make a program that has book name, total quantity sold, total sales. I changed the in file names in his example to what my file names are and changed the headings. I'm doing so horrible, I need to get this assignment in fast before I take the final :'( . Something is wrong in my calculations because the output of the program is:

Total Quantity Sold   117   Total Sales  $ 8991.00

Here is my program with the notes from the instructor, I've attached the paramin and infile:

import string

def lnamelist():
#load name and price list function
#This function reads the parameter file and loads the name list and
#price list. It also keeps track of the number of elements that each
#list contains.
# Variable                   Type          Purpose
# names                      string list   holds tree names
# nprlst                     int list      holds the tree price
# cnt                        int           counts the number of tree types
# infile                     string        file name
# line                       string        holds file contents
# nm                         string        holds individual tree names
# pr                         string        holds the tree price as a string
# npr                        int           holds the numeric tree price
        names =[]
        infile = open("paramin.txt",'r')
        line = infile.readline()
        while line != "":
            nm,pr = string.split(line, ",")
            npr = eval(pr)
            cnt = cnt + 1
            line = infile.readline()
        return cnt, nprlst, names

def laccums (cnt,nprlst):
#load accumulator lists function.
#This function sets up the accumulator lists, reads the input
#file, calculates the total sales for that record and adds to
#the appropriate accumulator.
# Variable                   Type          Purpose
# qtyarray                   int list      quantity accumulator list
# tprarray                   int list      price accumulator list
# infile                     string        file name
# type                       int           holds numeric code for tree type
# qty                        int           holds quantity sold for the individual record
# tp                         int           holds total price for the individual record
    qtyarray = []
    tprarray = []
    infile = open("infile.txt",'r')

# This makes sure that the accumulator arrays start at 0.

    for line in range (cnt):

# process each record in the file

    for line in infile:
            type, qty = eval(line)
            tp = qty * nprlst[type-1]
            qtyarray[type-1] = qtyarray[type-1] + qty
            tprarray[type-1] = tprarray[type-1] + tp
    return qtyarray, tprarray

def prtbody(names, qtyarray, tprarray,nprlst, cnt):
#This function prints the body of the reprot
# Variable                   Type          Purpose
# names                      string list   holds tree names
# qtyarray                   int list      quantity accumulator list
# nprlst                     int list      holds the tree price
# tprarray                   int list      price accumulator list
# x                          int           used as a subscript
# cnt                        int           holds the number of tree types

# Print title and column headings
    print ("Program 10")
    print "    Book          Total Quantity   Total"
    print "    Name               Sold        Sales"
# This prints the name left justified and then the next print statement
# prints the rest of the line.
    for x in range (cnt):
          print string.ljust(names[x], 18),      
          print "%4d       $%6.2f       $%8.2f" \
           % (qtyarray[x],nprlst[x],tprarray[x])


def calc(qtyarray, tprarray, cnt):
#This function calculates the grand total sales and quantity.
# Variable                   Type          Purpose
# qtyarray                   int list      quantity accumulator list
# tprarray                   int list      price accumulator list
# x                          int           used as a subscript
# gtqty                      int           holds grand total quantity
# gtsales                    int           holds grand total sales
# cnt                        int           holds the number of tree types

    gtqty = 0
    gtsales = 0
    for x in range (cnt):
            gtqty = gtqty + qtyarray[x]
            gtsales = gtsales + tprarray[x]
    return gtqty, gtsales

def main():
#This is the main function.  It calls the other functions and prints the
# grand totals at the end of the report.
# Variable                   Type          Purpose
# mcnt                        int           counts the number 
# mnames                      string list   holds tree names
# mnprlst                     int list      holds the tree price
# mqtyarray                   int list      quantity accumulator list
# mtprarray                   int list      price accumulator list
# mgtqty                      int           holds grand total quantity
# mgtsales                    int           holds grand total sales

    mcnt, mnprlst, mnames = lnamelist()
    mqtyarray, mtprarray = laccums(mcnt, mnprlst)
    prtbody,(mnames, mqtyarray, mtprarray,mnprlst, mcnt)
    mgtqty, mgtsales = calc(mqtyarray, mtprarray, mcnt)
    print " %18s %4d %14s $%8.2f" % ("Total Quantity Sold ", mgtqty,"Total Sales ", mgtsales)
if __name__ == '__main__':

can I please get some help, this is the last program and it's due soon.

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