Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express is giving this compiler away FREE unlike the commercial Visual Studio Professional 2005, it does not have MFC, ATL, a Win32 resource editor, a macro assembler, source code control integration, etc What are MFC, ATL, etc?


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I guess what i was asking is will I need those tools. i just don't know enough about it. I will be trying to program a 3d realtime aquarium. I don't want to get started only to find out i need something else. The dev c++ provides no visual GUI design tools, so that compiler is out. i might just bite the bullet and buy visual c++


Try freeware Ultimate++ based on the same as Dev-C++ MinGW compiler
before buy VS 2008 Pro (may be not so bad investment ;)).
Apropos, Ultimate++ IDE (called TheIDE - what's a wonderful name for yet another IDE) can use VC++ Express too.
It has GUI design tools, it's well integrated with SDL game dev library. The Upp distribution (~16 Mb) contains lots of non-trivial examples.

The dev c++ provides no visual GUI design tools, so that compiler is out. i might just bite the bullet and buy visual c++


Not correct. Dev-C++ provides all the functionality as VC++ 2008 Express, except the debuggin in Dev-C++ sucks cannel water. But you can write Windows programs with it using win32 api.

My guess is that you will NOT need MFC of the others you mentioned for your project. What 3d engine do you plan to use? That will probably tell you wither you can use the free Express edition or whether you need the Professional edition of the compiler.

By 3d engine you mean 3d modeling tool,
right? I would be using Blender 3d for the models and for movement I will use animation that is procedural (derived from algorithms) very hard to do i am told

By the way I asked the forum for Dev C++
and they said dev has no visual design tools
They gave me a link to an addon that can do the job but it costs $90 and who knows what else i will need. I will try express and go from there


its true dev has no gui design tools -- but neither does Express c++. That doesn't mean you can'g create gui windows with those two compilers. win32 api doesn't require a gui design tool. Afterall, that's how all windows programs were originally written.

>>Blender 3d for the models
You'll have to check with whoever produces that to see what compilers they support.

I did not know express had no gui tools.
looks like Visual C++ is the best way to go.
I was hesitate becuase what i want to do is very difficult, not sure i can do it. so why waste the money?

As for checkiong with Blender I don't think i understand. I want to use fish models created from blender but there will be no keyframes in the fish movements


You should be asking specific Blender questions in their form -- click here. I see Python mentioned frequently, but not c++. So I don't know if its possible to use c++ with it or not. You'll have to ask them.

Blender3D is a 3d modeling tool, while Game Blender is a tool to create a 3d application.

You should be asking specific Blender questions in their form -- click here. I see Python mentioned frequently, but not c++. So I don't know if its possible to use c++ with it or not. You'll have to ask them.

Python is the code that blender is programmed with


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