here is the code i am trying to read ascii value which is string and print , but execution stops at file open file print statement :(

import os
import sys
import string

filename = "c:\\test.exe"
    f = open(filename,"rb")
except IOError:
    print'cannot open the file'

print'file is opened'

    while((a.isalnum() )or( a.isspace())):
    iLen = len(s)

except EOFError:

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Where does execution stop? Does it give an error? Where is this so-called "file open file print" statement?

execution stops with

print'file is opened'

it does not print , the string from file

Note that you are reading an "exe" file. The first character is probably not alphanumeric or a space so it stops. You haven't gotten many responses because of laziness. Add a print statement to see what is being read [probably want to print ord(a) since it is not a text file], and print a message at critical points in the program so you know what is going on. Especially when you are entering a try or except block. If you get an error other than IO or EOF the except block won't print. Also, if the length of s is less than 4, you won't get any output so add an else: "length of s is too small", len(s). As I said, this type of post doesn't get much of a response because you haven't done any debugging yourself.

i did tried to break and check , but it failed to break. will try to give print and check @ code.thanks for your feedback woooee

You definitely want to add a print statement here

    while((a.isalnum() )or( a.isspace())):
        print "'a' is now", a
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