Em.. the problem is quite simple. This is the error output on when I try to build this.

error: no matching function for call to ‘Console::action_new(const char [5], const char [23], <unresolved overloaded function type>)’

This is the source...

	Author: Wolter Hellmund
	Email:	whellmundv@gmail.com
	This is an automatized console version of KeyHolder.
	It was made to make the code simpler and smaller.
	Copyright (c) 2008

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;

class Console
	// Private variables
	 int finished, success;
    string input;

	// The Base structure of the console and resposible for automation.
    struct Action
        string help;    		// Action documentation
        int (*call)();	// Function to call
    map<string,Action> action_index;

    // Functions
	int quit()
        finished = 1;
        return 0;

    void report_error(string error_kind)
        if (error_kind == "com")
            cout << "Invalid command. Type \"help\" for a list of commands." << endl;

    int help()
    	cout << "Action:\t\t\tDescription:" << endl;
    	// For each element in the action_list, print it's name and description
    	for (map<string,Action>::iterator counter = action_index.begin(); counter != action_index.end(); counter++)			//(vector<string>::iterator counter = action_list.begin(); counter != action_list.end(); counter++)
    		// Print command's name
					<< counter->first
					<< "\t\t\t"
    		// Print command's description
					<< counter->second.help
					<< endl;
    	return 0;

	 void read()
		// Asks for input, and reads it
		while (finished != 1)
			success = 0;
			cout << ">>>"; getline(cin,input);
			for (map<string,Action>::iterator counter = action_index.begin(); counter != action_index.end(); counter++)
				if (input == counter->first)
					success = 1;
					(action_index[ counter->first ].call)();
			if (!success) report_error("com");

	// Action creator
    void action_new( string name, string help, int (*function)() )
        action_index[name].help = help;		// Sets action's help string to the provided help
        action_index[name].call = (*function);	// Sets the action's function to call to the provided function

    // Constructor
		finished = 0; // Prepares for reading cycle.
        action_new("quit","Quits this application",quit);
		action_new("help","Brings this list",help);

int thing()
    cout << "Who called thing?" << endl;
    return 0;

int main()
	Console keyholder;
	keyholder.action_new("thing","Just a damn thing.",thing);
	return 0;

This code works perfectly if you comment the "action_new(...)" in the Console class constructor.

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Pointers to member functions need extra syntax.

> action_index[name].call = (*function);
If you're just storing it (it looks like you're trying to call it), it would be action_index[name].call = function;

Another way to correct situation: make help(), quit(), finished and action_index members static.
In that case you can add pointers to help and quit functions to action_index map. Pointers to static member functions are the same as usual pointers.

consider using the std::tr1 polymorphic function wrappers. this would allow using free functions, member functions and function objects in a polymorphic way.

if your compiler does not ship with tr1, you can use boost::function in the interim.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

// tr1: #include <functional>
#include <boost/function.hpp>

using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;

class Console
	// Private variables
  int finished, success;
  string input;

	// The Base structure of the console and resposible for automation.

  // tr1: typedef std::tr1::function< int(Console*) > function_type ; 
  typedef boost::function< int(Console*) > function_type ;
  struct Action
    string help;     		// Action documentation
    function_type call;	// Function to call
  map<string,Action> action_index;

  // Functions
  int quit()
    finished = 1;
    return 0;

  void report_error(string error_kind)
    if (error_kind == "com")
      cout << "Invalid command. Type \"help\" for a list of commands." << endl;

  int help()
   	cout << "Action:\t\t\tDescription:" << endl;
  	// For each element in the action_list, print it's name and description
   	for (map<string,Action>::iterator counter = action_index.begin(); counter != action_index.end(); counter++)	
    		// Print command's name
					<< counter->first
					<< "\t\t\t"
    		// Print command's description
					<< counter->second.help
					<< endl;
    	return 0;

	void read()
		// Asks for input, and reads it
		while (finished != 1)
			success = 0;
			cout << ">>>"; getline(cin,input);
			for (map<string,Action>::iterator counter = action_index.begin(); counter != action_index.end(); counter++)
				if (input == counter->first)
					success = 1;
			if (!success) report_error("com");

	// Action creator
    void action_new( string name, string help, function_type function )
        action_index[name].help = help;	 // Sets action's help string to the provided help
        action_index[name].call = function; // Sets the action's function to call to the provided function

    // Constructor
	  finished = 0; // Prepares for reading cycle.
          action_new("quit","Quits this application",&Console::quit);
          action_new("help","Brings this list",&Console::help);

int main()
	Console keyholder;

using std::tr1::bind (or boost::bind) would make things even more flexible.

Well... I have now fixed the problem in a very arbitrary way...
I removed the quit function from the Console class, because--what if somebody wanted to have a custom quit? I just made finished a global bool.

About help, I set it as built in into the action_index thing, so i have no need to add it in the constructor. I have changed the file a lot, and you can download the complete package of source code in:

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