Hello friends,

Suppose I want to write a dll file with MS-VC8.0 compiler. I need to add __declspec(dllexport) for all of the functions which will be called from outside of that dll.
Now my question is that whether it is possible to export all functions of that dll at a time, ie, without writing __declspec(dllexport) for all of the functions.


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As far as I know, you have to put it before every function. I suppose you could save yourself a few keystrokes by doing this though.

#define DLLEXP __declspec( dllexport )

DLLEXP void someFunct() {
  // Code here

I think williamhemsworth's right, but I think you can export all members of a class in one swoop:


#include <iostream>

  #define TWOMERS_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
  #define TWOMERS_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)

class TWOMERS_EXPORT myClass {
    int thing;

    int returnThing();
    void setThing(int _thing);


#include "dll.h"


int myClass::returnThing() {
  return thing;
void myClass::setThing(int _thing) {
  thing = _thing;

Might be worth wrapping functions in a class if you want to save yourself some typing. Otherwise bite the bullet.

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