i want to Write a program to download a website from a given URL. It must download all the pages from that website. It should take the depth of retrieval from the user input. All the files/pages must be stored in a folder. plz give me solution for this as early as possible its urgent......

Ezzaral commented: It's not urgent that we complete your work for you. -4

>i want to Write a program to download a website from a given URL
Umm.. Well you can proceed...

> plz give me solution for this as early as possible its urgent......
What ?? Didn't you just said YOU were going to write the program ?

Why don't you just use one of the programs that do this already like basckstreet browser?

If it's some sort of project for school, your workplace etc. then what you need to remember is we are not trying to get a grade or getting paid, you are and as such you need to do the work. As always if you get stuck, post your code and problem and we will attempt to help.

You can use httrack as well.

@rapture and @ithelp : You have given him links, but he doesn't want hints, pointers, where to start from help. All he wants is for us to give him the solution. So I guess he isn't going to buy that.

also, wonder why he wants this. isn't he just asking us to write an application for him so he can rip off someone elses htm/jsp/php/asp/... code, with al that goes with it?

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