I'm building a telnet server and I need a type of arraylist. I need this arraylist to contain an index 0 - 100 thats how many connections I allow at once, and an Ip address so when I refer to index 0 it will give me the ipaddress.

I'm new to arrays in c#, i'm used to the good old ones from vb6 so detail will be nice. What would the best array be?

Suppose the datatype you're using to hold an IP address is called IPAddress. Then you would want to use a List<IPAddress> to hold your IP addresses. If the datatype you're using is string, you'd want to use a List<string> . If a uint, use List<uint> .

I'm wondering I need an array for a socket too connected to the same array so that I can for example conn is my array, conn[this].WriteLine("Test"), and if I need to I can pull data from that connection array such as the IP and username etc

Ok I figured it out, I just added all the objects in a class and then made an arraay

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