
Anybody have idea how the determine the same numbers in 100 records. For example there are 100 inputted numbers in the database file. These numbers, some numbers have the same value.

Anyone know to determine these numbers and display like this.

100 numbers inputted in the database file

sample output.

Number ...................... total number with the same value
34 ............................... 20
2 .............................. 15
78 .............................. 36
5 .............................. 9
17 .............................. 11
56 .............................. 8
3 .............................. 1

the numbers from the left is the inputted numbers in the database file. and the numbers from the right is the total of how many times these numbers were inputted or total numbers with the same value.

Thanks in advance.

What about simply using a COUNT on the database table !!!

something like the following

select num,count(num) from table_name group by num
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