how to get the database values into drop down box in python... how to
configure the dropdown box....

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All 4 Replies

use parameters into drop down box in python... configure how you need....

Download Python Dynamic Dropdown Source.


Please don't spam this site or someone will report you and you will be banned. Since the OP didn't say which toolkit or OS was involved, it is obvious that there is no way to recommend anything, hence MESHIKUMAR and mohankumar554 are the same and are spamming.

commented: thnaks for the spam fight +12

Please don't spam this site or someone will report you and you will be banned. Since the OP didn't say which toolkit or OS was involved, it is obvious that there is no way to recommend anything, hence MESHIKUMAR and mohankumar554 are the same and are spamming.

Thanks woooee!
I have already deleted MESHIKUMAR silly answer posts elsewhere. I will try to give this dude an infraction to keep the spam smear out of here!

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