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EDIT: I mucked up the thread title. It should be "Convert Custom type 'String' to std::string"


How would I be able to convert a custom type 'String' to a std::string? Just that the function I'm using requires a std::string.

troublesome code:

SetVar::operator char* ()
	if (szName == "Passwd")//only create a md5 hash for the password, not anything else
		std::string pwd;
		//here i need to convert 'sVal' from a String to a std::string called 'pwd'
		return md5.getHashFromString(pwd);
	return sVal;


// types.cpp

#include "types.h"

// String

	szStr = NULL;

String::String(char *str)
	*this = str;

	if (szStr) {
		szStr = NULL;

String& String::operator= (char *str)
	if (szStr) {
		szStr = NULL;

	if (str)
		szStr = strdup(str);
	return *this;

String::operator char* ()
	return szStr;

bool String::operator== (char *str)
	if (!strcmp(szStr, str))
		return true;
		return false;


// types.h

#ifndef TTYPES_H
#define TTYPES_H

#include <windows.h>

typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;

#define WSTD_DEL(x) { if ((x)) { delete (x); (x)=NULL; } }
#define WSTD_DELM(x) { if ((x)) { delete[] (x); (x)=NULL; } }

// String

class String
		String(char *str);

		String& operator= (char *str);
		operator char* ();

		bool operator== (char *str);

		char *szStr;


Thanks in advance.

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Let start with..


Try using this routine to convert from cstring to std::string using stringstream
Here is the routine

#include <sstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

string convert(char *customString)
       stringstream s;
       s << customString;
       string d = s.str();
       return d;


Hope that i understood your Question.

The same way std::string does it

class String
		String(char *str);

		String& operator= (char *str);
		operator char* ();
        const char* c_str() {return szStr;} 
		bool operator== (char *str);

		char *szStr;
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thanks guys. Ancient Dragon's solution solved it.

1. By the way, you must define non-trivial copy constructor and assignment operator for this class String (or declare them as private to prevent inevitable program crash if default copy constructor and/or assignment will be called).
2. If you want String to std::string conversion, define it, what's a problem?

String::operator std::string() const
    return szStr;

3. Avoid using of malloc/strdup/free stuff in C++ programs. Use new/delete operators only.

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