I just started a few days ago. I am troubled with the input
in c#, even though I got it to work. Any comment would be
helpful. Its a Number Guessing game and a tic-tac-toe game.

using System;

namespace GAME
    public class Number_Guess
        public static void HiLow()
            int guessNum = -1;

            string gNum;

            Random rand = new Random();

            int minRan = rand.Next(10);
            int maxRan = rand.Next(50,150);

            int goal = rand.Next(minRan, maxRan);

            int numOfGuess = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Your object it to guess the random number from {0} to {1}\n\n",minRan,maxRan);


                Console.WriteLine("What will you guess   :  ");

                gNum = Console.ReadLine();

                guessNum = int.Parse(gNum);

                if (guessNum == goal)
                    Console.WriteLine("You guessed correct!\n\n Press a key to continue ...");
                    string x = Console.ReadLine();

                else if (guessNum > goal)
                    Console.WriteLine("You guessed too high\n");


                    Console.WriteLine("You guessed too low\n\n");

            } while (guessNum != goal);


    #region TIC-TAC-TOE
    public class BOARD_GAME
        const int GAME_STRT = 0;
        const int GAME_OVER = 1;
        const int RESET = 2;

        public static void Tic_Tac_toe()

            Console.Title = "Tic-Tac-Toe";

            //Create a The main GameBoard 3x3
            char[] GameBoard = new char[9]

            char P1_ID = 'X';
            char Comp_ID = 'O';
            int GameState = GAME_STRT;
            int choice = -1;
            Random rand = new Random();

            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to be X or O :  ");

            P1_ID = (char)Console.Read();

            //Dummy reader

            if (P1_ID == 'O' || P1_ID == 'o' || P1_ID == '0')
            { Comp_ID = 'X'; P1_ID = 'O'; }
            else P1_ID = 'X';

            PrintBrd(GameBoard, -1, P1_ID);
            choice = GetInput(choice);


                 PrintBrd(GameBoard, choice, P1_ID);

                //Comp Turn                
                choice = rand.Next(1, 9);
                //Check if Valid
                while (!(ValidMove(P1_ID, Comp_ID, GameBoard, choice)))
                    choice = rand.Next(1, 9);

                PrintBrd(GameBoard, choice, Comp_ID);

                //Check winner, if any
                switch (CheckWinner(GameBoard, P1_ID, Comp_ID))

                    case 'P': Console.WriteLine("\nCongrats, You beat the stupid computer\n"); GameState = GAME_OVER; goto case '-';
                    case 'C': Console.WriteLine("\nHahaha, how the Hell did you loose???\n"); GameState = GAME_OVER; goto case '-';
                    case 'D': Console.WriteLine("\nIts a Draw Game!\n\n"); GameState = GAME_OVER; goto case '-';
                    case '-':
                        char op = 'y';
                        Console.WriteLine("\nPlaye Again? (y/n) :  ");
                        op = (char)Console.Read();

                        if (op == 'y' || op == 'Y')
                            GameState = RESET; break;
                        else GameState = GAME_OVER;


                    default: break;

                if (GameState == GAME_STRT)

                    //Get user Input
                    choice = GetInput(choice);
                    //Check for valid move
                    while (!(ValidMove(P1_ID, Comp_ID, GameBoard, choice)))
                        choice = GetInput(choice);

                    PrintBrd(GameBoard, choice, P1_ID);

                    //Check winner, if any
                    switch (CheckWinner(GameBoard, P1_ID, Comp_ID))

                        case 'P': Console.WriteLine("\n\nCongrats, You beat the stupid computer\n"); GameState = GAME_OVER; goto case '-';
                        case 'C': Console.WriteLine("\n\nHahaha, how the Hell did you loose???\n"); GameState = GAME_OVER; goto case '-';
                        case 'D': Console.WriteLine("\n\nIts a Draw Game!\n\n"); GameState = GAME_OVER; goto case '-';
                        case '-':
                            char op = 'y';
                            Console.WriteLine("\nPlaye Again? (y/n) :  ");
                            op = (char)Console.Read();

                            if (op == 'y' || op == 'Y')
                                GameState = RESET; break;
                            else GameState = GAME_OVER;


                        default: break;


                if (GameState == RESET)
                    GameState = resetFunc(GameBoard, GameState);
                    PrintBrd(GameBoard, -1, Comp_ID);
                    choice = GetInput(choice);

            } while (GameState != GAME_OVER);


        #region void PrintBrdPrint(char[],int,char) //Prints Board
        static public void PrintBrd(char[] Brd, int ElemChoice, char Obj_ID)

            //Check for validity
            if ((ElemChoice < 1 || ElemChoice > 9) && ElemChoice != -1)
                Console.WriteLine("INVALID ROW CHOICE! ITS BEGIN IGNORED THIS TIME\n\n");

                if (ElemChoice != -1)
                    Brd[ElemChoice - 1] = Obj_ID;

            //Print board
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i += 3)
                if (i != 0 && (i % 3 == 0))

                Console.WriteLine("{0}  |  {1}  |  {2}", Brd[i], Brd[i + 1], Brd[i + 2]);
        #region ValidMove(char,char,char[],int) : Check For Valid Move
        public static bool ValidMove(char ID, char ID2, char[] GameBrd, int choice)
            if (choice < 1 || choice > 9)
                Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid Dimension\n");
                return false;

            if (GameBrd[choice - 1] == ID ||
                GameBrd[choice - 1] == ID2)
                Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid Dimension\n");
                return false;

            return true;
        #region GetInput(int) // Gets user Input
        static public int GetInput(int ch)
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nWhere do you want to place your Move :  ");
            ch = Console.Read();
            ch -= '0';
            //Dummy read
            return ch;
        #region CheckWinner(char [] GameBrd, char Obj_ID,char Obj2_ID) // checks for winner
        static public char CheckWinner(char[] Gbrd, char P_ID, char C_ID)

            char winner = '*';  // represent neither                       

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                if (i % 3 == 0) //check horizontal win
                    if (Gbrd[i] == P_ID && Gbrd[i + 1] == P_ID && Gbrd[i + 2] == P_ID)
                    { winner = 'P'; return winner; }
                    else if (Gbrd[i] == C_ID && Gbrd[i + 1] == C_ID && Gbrd[i + 2] == C_ID)
                    { winner = 'C'; return winner; } 


                if (i < 3) //check vertical win
                    if (Gbrd[i] == P_ID && Gbrd[i + 3] == P_ID && Gbrd[i + 6] == P_ID)
                    { winner = 'P'; return winner; }
                    else if (Gbrd[i] == C_ID && Gbrd[i + 3] == C_ID && Gbrd[i + 6] == C_ID)
                    { winner = 'C'; return winner; }

                if (i == 0 ) //check diagnol win
                    if (Gbrd[i] == P_ID && Gbrd[i + 4] == P_ID && Gbrd[i + 8] == P_ID)
                    { winner = 'P'; return winner; }
                    else if (Gbrd[i] == C_ID && Gbrd[i + 4] == C_ID && Gbrd[i + 8] == C_ID)
                    { winner = 'C'; return winner; }
                else if (i == 2)
                    if (Gbrd[i] == P_ID && Gbrd[i + 2] == P_ID && Gbrd[i + 4] == P_ID)
                    { winner = 'P'; return winner; }
                    else if (Gbrd[i] == C_ID && Gbrd[i + 2] == C_ID && Gbrd[i + 4] == C_ID)
                    { winner = 'C'; return winner; }


            //Check for draw game
            int cnt = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                if (Gbrd[i] == P_ID || Gbrd[i] == C_ID)
                else break;

            if (cnt == 9)
                winner = 'D'; 
                return winner;
            //no winner if reached
            return winner; 

        #region Reset Game
       static int resetFunc(char[] brd,int state)
            for (char i = '1'; i <= '9'; i++)
                brd[i-'1'] = i; 

            return (state = GAME_STRT);


class mainProg
    static void Main()
        char p = 'y';

        string whichGame = "1";


            Console.WriteLine("Which Game do you want to play : \n");
            Console.WriteLine("1) Number Guessing game\n");
            Console.WriteLine("2) Tic-tac-toe Game\n");

            whichGame = Console.ReadLine();


            switch (int.Parse(whichGame))
                case 1: GAME.Number_Guess.HiLow(); break;
                case 2: GAME.BOARD_GAME.Tic_Tac_toe(); break;

            //Dummy read

        } while (p == 'y');

I am not too sure what the actual question is, nor do I have time to look through all that code and decide what you may be having problems with. I'm not too sure what you are confused with regarding input, as there are a vast amount of different input types in c# and in the .Net framework. Please post more specific problems and more relevant code.

What is your "trouble" with the input?
gNum = Console.ReadLine();

guessNum = int.Parse(gNum);
can be written as
guessNum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
string x = Console.ReadLine();
can be written as

Is it this you want?

P.S. In the future use code tags, and don't post 1000 lines of code saying I'm in trouble.

I'm sorry, there is no "real " error. I am just query about c#
inputs, because I've been use to c++.

I see that they differ in return value, c++ returns both char or
numbers, while c# returns chars. I also realize that sometimes
the stream contains more junk, so I had to use a dummy readline().

Like this snippet :

Console.WriteLine("Would you like to be X or O :  ");

            P1_ID = (char)Console.Read();

            //Dummy reader

Notice the Dummy reader. Is there a way to get around this.
I mean even in the simplest case, say where in a while loop
I ask the use to input a value, the loops reads the value and skips
a few iterations because of the junk in the stream.
So for example, if I do this :

            Console.WriteLine("Enter something :  ");
              int in =  Console.Read();
               Console.WriteLine("you entered {0}",in);

The stream returns more than one value?

I'm not too sure about the C# console as I only use C# for windows apps and as code-behind in an ASP web apps. But perhaps it is returning a character array, which when cast to an int causes some issues. It could also be returning a string containing a null terminator at the end. I would read in all values as a string, then cast to an int using int.parse(string), a nifty little feature built into c#. I'm pretty sure that it throws an exception if the value isn't parseable, so you can just build a try/catch block around it for some easy input validation.

Unless this is for a class, I would recommend using C++ for console apps as it seems to have, from my experience, much more direct, unfluffy classes that use pointers rather than object references and therefore run much more quickly. C# is a more user-friendly environment that allows you to build very complex apps more quickly, but for the simpler apps like the ones you mentioned, it is definately an inferior language.

commented: C# is NOT inferior, C++ is NOT only meant for console applications! -1

The Console.Read method always returns an int. C# is very picky about those things! Try while(1) for instance, will work in C++, won't work in C#! Because 1 is an integer NOT a boolean expression! That is why you have to typecast the Read method to a char else you get an int which is equal to the ASCII code of the char you typed. Also when you press the return key, windows appends a CR(=13) and a LF(=10) character to the inputstream. This is not junk, as you may think.

I'm not too sure about the C# console

> But perhaps it is returning a character array
> It could also be returning a string containing a null terminator at the end

Ho boy, ho boy, please don't answer a question if you are not sure yourself!

quote : Unless this is for a class, I would recommend using C++

This is for practice, learning other language than c++.

> But perhaps it is returning a character array
> It could also be returning a string containing a null terminator at the end

Ho boy, ho boy, please don't answer a question if you are not sure yourself!

Well it turns out my prediction was pretty much right... And at least I let him know I'm no expert in that area, but at least I offered what I know to help.

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