
I am creating a dll based VC++ project.I believe I am facing some memory issues. I have checked the code and for every memory allocation by using the new operator I have included a delete operator to deallocate the memory.

May be there are some memory leaks which are not apparent. I am in a fix as to how can I check for them. I am using Visual Studio 6.0 and I am not much aware of the debugging tools we can use.I have heard of valgrind etc., but am not aware of how do we use these tools to debug a dll based project.

Could any one help me out fixing these memory leak issues?

Thanks in advance,

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It's kinda hard to tell you how to fix the memory leak when we don't have the code, either post your code or keep searching yourself.

#include <crtdbg.h>

// Add this to the termination code!

#ifndef NDEBUG
_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks( );

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