I used the multimedia control, and it worked great. But when installing my project, it did not work on all computers. (When trying to run it on some computers, it said, there was a problem, and it shut down the program) What could be the reason for this? Do you need anything installed on the computer to use this?

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it said, there was a problem

Did you get any exact error message?

Do you need anything installed on the computer to use this?

You need MCI.ocx of course. Is it included in your installation package?

What could be the reason for this?

If you didn't distribute the MCI.ocx you used to develop your application, target system most likely has a different version of the MCI.ocx. Or the ocx isn't registered properly in the target computer.

Check the version information of your MCI.ocx and compare it with the one in non-working target computer. That ocx should be found in Windows\System32 folder.


I used the windows media player instead, and now it does what I need it to do

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