help me on how access employee.mdb thru Data Combo and the data will display in txtbox...example in Data Combo will only display employee number and if i press employee number in Data Combo, the name, designation, address will display in to code this? can you give me the module of this?

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what programming language are you using? because it depends upon the platform you are using. let's say for example you are using Microsoft VIsual Basic 6.0, you just have to connect your database to your program..

For examples on how to do various things use the Data Form Wizard. You will find this under Add-Ins>Add-In Manager. Search my handle and data form wizard for the full suggestion.

Good Luck

what programming language are you using? because it depends upon the platform you are using. let's say for example you are using Microsoft VIsual Basic 6.0, you just have to connect your database to your program..

sir ill using Visual Basic 6! my problem is my ADO is already connected to my datacombo, then I need to know on how to display data from the textbox using my datacombo...when I select the employee number in datacombo the name, designation and etc..will display in the text box? can you give me the code and module regarding this problem....?

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