i have 3 columns in a datagridview.
i want to add values.
everything is working fine but when i add values there is a blank row at the beginning.
how can i remove this ?
here is my code


        Dim oledbcom As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
        oledbcom.CommandText = "Select Code,Weight,Unit from Contents where id = ? and [combination name] = ?"
        oledbcom.Connection = oledbcon

        oledbcom.Parameters.Add("?", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar)
        oledbcom.Parameters.Add("?", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar)

        oledbcom.Parameters(0).Value = dataGridView1.Item(0, dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index).Value
        oledbcom.Parameters(1).Value = lstColour.SelectedItem.ToString

        Dim oledbreader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader = oledbcom.ExecuteReader

        While oledbreader.Read
            dataGridView2.Item(0, dataGridView2.Rows.Count - 1).Value = oledbreader.GetString(0)
            dataGridView2.Item(1, dataGridView2.Rows.Count - 1).Value = oledbreader.GetValue(1)
            dataGridView2.Item(2, dataGridView2.Rows.Count - 1).Value = oledbreader.GetString(2)
        End While

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dataGridView2.AllowUserToAddRows = False.

Why not DataAdapter?

        Dim oledbcom As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
        oledbcom.CommandText = "Select Code,Weight,Unit from Contents where id = ? and [combination name] = ?"
        oledbcom.Connection = oledbcon

        oledbcom.Parameters.Add("?", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar)
        oledbcom.Parameters.Add("?", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar)

        oledbcom.Parameters(0).Value = dataGridView1.Item(0, dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index).Value
        oledbcom.Parameters(1).Value = lstColour.SelectedItem.ToString
        Dim adp As new OleDb.OleDbDataAdapterReader(oledbcom)
        Dim dt as new System.Data.DataTable
        dataGridView2.AllowUserToAddRows = False

thnx a lot
especially for that data adapter thing
i tried using it first but couldnt figure out how to add parameters.
u solved the problem. thnx

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