I am looking for a xml creator/editor with treeview using Tkinter. I want to be able to load and save changes. Any help would be greatly appreciated or snippets. Thanks!

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Tkinter is very out of date. My advice would be qt which allows you to do use xml

Tkinter is very out of date. My advice would be qt which allows you to do use xml

I currently have to use the built in gui module and the machines I am developing for are pretty much locked down by admins.

The obituaries for Tkinter are premature. Tkinter has been spruced up quite a bit with version 8.5. Also, Python3.1 ships with the extented widget set ttk that includes a treeview widget.

Ttk comes with 17 widgets, 11 of which already exist in Tkinter, but are improved: Button, Checkbutton, Entry, Frame, Label, LabelFrame, Menubutton,
PanedWindow, Radiobutton, Scale and Scrollbar
The 6 new widget classes are:
Combobox, Notebook, Progressbar, Separator, Sizegrip and Treeview
For additional info see the Python27 or Python31 manual

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