The name says it all. I am looking for beginner c++ programmers to create a simple console based application. The application I had in mind would be a rubik's cube solving program. I have already started on it. If you are an experienced programmer and would like to help out anyway thanks!

kvprajapati commented: N.A -2

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All 3 Replies

Do you really need two posts?

I would like to assist you if you are still looking for help. I'm still new to c++ but I've learned enough to take first in the regional competition for it. But yeah, if you'd like contact me at <snip>. Thanks =D

I would like to assist you if you are still looking for help. I'm still new to c++ but I've learned enough to take first in the regional competition for it. But yeah, if you'd like contact me at <snip>. Thanks =D

Wow, thats impressive. Maybe too advanced for me. Lol. But yeah if you want to help please do! just reply and I'll include the source code.

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