I have little knowledge about this algorithm method .I try to coding the part of the InsertAfter() method to insert the data after a specific location.It seems not working .

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

class Node {
   	double data; 	// data
	Node* next; 	// pointer to next

class List {
        { head = NULL;
        cout <<"Head value is "<<head<<endl; } // constructor
		~List(void); // destructor
		bool IsEmpty() { return head == NULL; }

		Node* InsertNode( double x);
	    int FindNode(double x);
		int DeleteNode(double x);
		void DisplayList(void);
		Node* InsertAfter(double,double);

		Node* head;

Node* List::InsertAfter(double x,double y)
    Node* prevNode = NULL;
	Node* currNode = head;
	while (currNode && currNode->data != x) 
		prevNode = currNode;
		currNode = currNode->next;
	if (currNode) 
		if (prevNode)
		Node* newNode = new Node;
		newNode->data = y;}
List::~List(void) {
	Node* currNode = head, *nextNode = NULL;
	while (currNode != NULL) {
		nextNode = currNode->next;
		// destroy the current node
		delete currNode;
		currNode = nextNode;

Node* List::InsertNode(double x) {
	int currIndex = 0;
	cout <<"currIndex is "<<currIndex<<endl;
	Node* currNode = head;
	Node* prevNode = NULL;
	cout <<"The x value is "<<x<<endl;
	cout <<"CurrNode value is :"<<currNode<<endl;
	cout <<"PrevNode value is :"<<prevNode<<endl;
	while (currNode && x > currNode->data) {
          cout <<"currNode->data is "<<currNode->data<<endl;
        prevNode = currNode;
        cout <<"PrevNode value is :"<<prevNode<<endl;
        currNode = currNode->next;
        cout <<"CurrNode value is :"<<currNode<<endl;

   	Node* newNode = new Node;
   	cout<<"New node is created the address is "<<newNode<<endl;
	newNode->data = x;
	cout <<"newNode->data :"<<newNode->data<<endl;
	if (currIndex == 0) {
		newNode->next = head;
		cout <<" newNode->next value is head = "<<newNode->next<<endl;
		head = newNode;
		cout <<"The head value is newNode address"<<head<<endl<<endl;
  	 } else {
		newNode->next = prevNode->next;
		cout<<"newNode->next is "<<newNode->next<<endl;
		prevNode ->next = newNode;
		cout <<"prevNode->next is "<<prevNode ->next;
return newNode;

int List::FindNode(double x) {
	Node* currNode = head;
	int currIndex = 1;
	while (currNode && currNode->data != x) {
		currNode = currNode->next;
	if (currNode)
		return currIndex;
		return 0;

int List::DeleteNode(double x) {
	Node* prevNode = NULL;
	Node* currNode = head;
	int currIndex = 1;
	while (currNode && currNode->data != x) {
		prevNode = currNode;
		currNode = currNode->next;
	if (currNode) {
		if (prevNode) {
			prevNode->next = currNode->next;
			delete currNode;
			head = currNode->next;
			delete currNode;
		return currIndex;
	return 0;

void List::DisplayList()
	int num = 0;
	Node* currNode = head;
	while (currNode != NULL) {
		cout << currNode->data << ", ";
		currNode = currNode->next;
	cout << "\nNumber of nodes in the list: " << num << endl;

int main()
	List list;
   int number;
	return 0;

The final should be 2 ,6, 7 as i expected ,but it is not in contrast.Anyway to deal with it ?

One problem is that you never actually insert the node in that method. :) Another thing I noticed is that you do not handle edge cases. What happens if you call InsertAfter() on an empty list or the search fails? Inserting to an empty list can be a special case, and then you do not need to check currNode for NULL in the loop. If the node is not in the list, you can check currNode->next for NULL and use that to stop the loop. That way the next insertion will be at the end.

The last problem is that your algorithm is too complex. A previous node pointer is appropriate for an insert before operation, but with insert after you only need the current pointer:

if (IsEmpty())
    // special case: insert to empty list
    newNode->next = NULL;
    head = newNode;
    Node* currNode = head;

    while (currNode->next && currNode->data != x) 
        currNode = currNode->next;

    newNode->next = currNode->next;
    currNode->next = newNode;

It helps to draw the structure of the list as you fiddle with it. Visualizing data structures makes them easier to write code for. :)

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