I just completed learning C . Now i would like to do something better.
Wish to try a new language.The problem is that i cant select which one.
Whether Visual C or JAVA or python ......
Also i would like to know the differences between Visual C and C..
Being interested in Software & Application Development which one would be better..

This is a very generic question which can only be solved by you depending on your interests.

C and C++ help you a lot in system side programming.
Java helps you by providing a lot of utilities for application development.
Python is a very powerful language which will be the controlling phenomenon in some time.

So you decide which do you want to go into.

>>The problem is that i cant select which one.
Whether Visual C or JAVA or python ..

"Visual C" is not a language -- its just the name of a compiler. You can use it to compile both C and C++ programs.

Why do you have to choose just one of those languages. Learn them all. If you have a good basic understanding of C language then learning Java and phython should be a snap because they all have a lot of things in common that you already know. But don't be like the "jack of all trades" ... know a little bit of everything but a master of none.

Learn C++. If you already know C then you'll appreciate the ability to do OOP.

If you didn't already know C I would say Java because its easier to learn OOP through java since java removed the need to worry about pointers, freeing memory, etc...

If you choose java Head's First Java is a good book. Fun to read.

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