Hello all, I am working on an assignment and came across a problem.
The assignment is to take a file with integers and calculate the average. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib>
#include <conio.h>

double calculateAverage(double Number, double Sum);
void trimSpaces(char Filename[]);

int main()
	ifstream InputStream;
   double Numbers = 0;              // Number of Numbers
   double Total = 0;                // Sum of all numbers
   double n;                        // Temp variable
   double Average;
	char FileName[30];

   cout << "Enter file name. ";
   cin >> FileName;

	if (InputStream.fail())
   	cout << "Error opening file.";    // Error

   while (!InputStream.eof())
      InputStream >> n;
      Total += n;
      cout << "\nCurrent sum: " << Total;

	Average = calculateAverage(Numbers, Total);

   cout << "\n\nAverage: " << Average;


double calculateAverage(double Number, double Sum)
   return (Number * 1.0) / Sum;

The file I am using contains, "1 5 7 2 5", so the answer should be 4. Instead, the program adds the last number "5" twice and gives me a totally different answer. Any ideas?

double calculateAverage(double Number, double Sum)
return (Number * 1.0) / Sum;

You have to divide Sum by Number , not the Number by sum.

>>the program adds the last number "5" twice

That's because you are wrote the loop incorrectly. Do it like this:

while ( InputStream >> n )
   // blabla

Thanks, guys! It worked!

~Mr. Doughnuts

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