hello every one
im searching for a method to detect image concavity
that is ..a concave exists in this image or not .. and its degree


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I found the question interesting, so I decided to look around the internet a little. It's an interesting topic--what are you using it for?

Anyway, I did run into this link containing what looks like some well-written shape analytics. Although I have not looked into it deep enough to determine whether the value it returns for NOT convex is reliable, which the comments indicate it is then concave, I thought it was worthy of passing along: Shapes.cs

I should point out that the code requires other libraries, but I believe it is all open source. Just search for the required namespace and include the word "library" (eg "ActiveAppearanceModel library") on the Koders.com website. In that example I gave, it will bring up a link to the ActiveAppearanceModel.cs file...click on it and it will bring up a page where the project link is located: ActiveAppearanceModel.cs, and project links to the left..., etc.

thanks a lot :)
I'm now having a deep look to check if it could help or not

as an answer for your question:
this is an idea that could help me in distinguishing between two images .. each image represents a character ..
related to my project : handwriting recognition ..

i will reply again after checking if it is working or not..
thanks again

Sure. I added an edit to the end of my post and wasn't sure if you saw it, so take another peek...

Perhaps this site something to consider.

i think im having a search problem..i think that i should find dll
for ActiveAppearanceModel and C5 and dnAnalytics needed in source file we are talking about
but i searched finding no suitable results :(

im afraid ur site is not working
can u check it plz

thanks all

i think im having a search problem..i think that i should find dll
for ActiveAppearanceModel and C5 and dnAnalytics needed in source file we are talking about
but i searched finding no suitable results :(

im afraid ur site is not working
can u check it plz

thanks all

I think you need to register and install Subversion software to obtain packaged projects--it's an open-source group project. From what I could see, you can still obtain/download all of the files, including the project files, and add them to your solution. I realize that is a lot of work for just wanting to check into it...

As far as that link ddanbe gave you, there is a minor typo in the address. Just delete the last two characters from the address in your browser window and it will navigate to the site. EDIT: Silly me, here is the correct address: Concave Hull

Java,yes:yawn: Life can be hard sometimes when you are a C# programmer. But if I were you I would go searching the net for algorithms. Even if they where written in Klingon, I would start to learn Klingon

some times we are limited by time and can't learn any thing
specially if we only want to check it working or not..

despite of all of this,i appreciate what u said

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