I want to run a FTP url in explorer. (Not in IE)
What i want is some how when the button clicked the URL should appear in the address bar of the windows explorer.

This is because the ftp I access should be accessed in that way (By typing the url in the address bar of..lets say ..mycomputer window.)

I don't knw whether both do the same thing. But when I do I manually I could access the FTP by typing the URL in address bar in mycomputer(I think it is windows explorer) but not by typing it in the address bar of IE.

Please let me knw the way to put an address in the address bar in windows explorer

thank u.

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Dim UserName As String = "myusername"
        Dim password As String = "mypassword"
        Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", "ftp://" & UserName & ":" & password & "@microsoft.com/bugs/")
Dim UserName As String = "myusername"
        Dim password As String = "mypassword"
        Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", "ftp://" & UserName & ":" & password & "@microsoft.com/bugs/")

what are the Username & password here?? Is it the username & password for FTP??????

Dim UserName As String = "myusername"
        Dim password As String = "mypassword"
        Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", "ftp://" & UserName & ":" & password & "@microsoft.com/bugs/")

VB gives an error saying that password should be a secureString. How can I create a secureString.????

what are the Username & password here?? Is it the username & password for FTP??????

yes it is

to the last poster....
it only request secure string if you define the username and password during the process.startinfo.password

Public Shared Function ReadSecureString(ByVal password As String) As System.Security.SecureString
ReadSecureString = Nothing

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(password) Then
ReadSecureString = New System.Security.SecureString
For Each character As Char In password.ToCharArray
End If

End Function


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