What is the coding to loop the program after a key press at the end of the program?

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For your original question, you can use a "for" loop or a "while" loop depending on your needs.

for(;;) //infinite until break (or return)
   //do stuff here.

Please create a new thread for your second question.

Ok thanks. I will do that.

For the second question,my best advice to you is this:
you can just use a switch function. if you don't understand, i will explain..
let us assume that the following code is your bmi.cpp:

using namespace std;
void show(){
int x=0;
cout<<"Enter the number you want its cube to be shown..";
cout<<"And this is it.."<<x<<endl;

and this is the code for bfp:

using namespace std;
void display(){
int x=0;
cout<<"Input the number you want to double..";
cout<<"And here it is.."<<x<<endl;

and this is the main

using namespace std;
int main()

 cout<<"Welcome to the bmi/bfp suite!!"<<endl;
cout<<"(1)Bmi,(2)Bfp....choose your choice..";
int choice=0;
//invalidity check
cout<<"Invalid choice!!"<<endl;
return 1;
 case 1:
  //Use the functions provided in bmi.cpp
 cout<<"Welcome to the bmi suite!!"<<endl;
case 2:
cout<<"Welcome to the bfp suite!!"<<endl;
cout<<"Thank you!!"<<endl;
return 0;

I hope you understood what I just did. I made use of the functions in bmi.cpp and bfp.cpp at different times using the switch() function.
This is my own advice. Hope this helped

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