#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

//function prototype
double calcPayment (double, double, int);

int main()
	//declare variables
	double carPrice = 0.0;
	double rebate = 0.0;
	double creditRate = 0.0;
	double dealerRate = 0.0;
	int term = 0;
	double creditPayment = 0.0;
	double dealerPayment = 0.0;
	char another = 'Y';

			//get input items
			cout << "Car price: ";
			cin >> carPrice;
			cout << "Rebate:";
			cin >> rebate;
			cout << "Credit union rate:  ";
			cin >> creditRate;
			cout <<"Dealer rate:  ";
			cin >>dealerRate;
			cout << "Term in years:  ";
			cin >> term;

			if (creditRate >=1)
				creditRate = creditRate / 100;
			//end if
			if (dealerRate >=1)
				dealerRate = dealerRate /100;
			//end if

			//call function to calculate payments
			creditPayment = calcPayment (carPrice - rebate,creditRate / 12, term * 12);
			dealerPayment = calcPayment (carPrice, dealerRate / 12, term * 12);

			//display payments
			cout <<fixed << setprecision (2) << endl;
			cout << "Credit union payment :  $"
				<<creditPayment <<endl;
			cout << "Dealer payment :  $"
				<<dealerPayment << endl;

			cout << endl << "Calculate more payments (y/n): ";
			cin >> another;
			cout << endl;
		}  while (toupper(another) == 'Y');

		return 0;
}  //end of main function

//*****function definitions*****
double calcPayment (double prin, double monthRate, int months)
	//calculates and returns a monthly payment
	double monthPay = 0.0;
	monthPay = prin * monthRate / (1-pow(monthRate + 1, -months));
	return monthPay;
}  //end of calcPayment function

After briefly looking at ye' code.. I would guess a displayPayment () would probably take place of everything going on between line #47 and #52.

You should put the displayPayment function around line 47. Take the print statements and wrap them in the function.

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