i have to write a program in c++ that reads numbers(weight of an item) from a file until now i got it:)
and then place this items in boxes.the goal is to use as less boxes as possible.Each box can weight no more than 10.
place each new item in the most-filled box.
use a priority queue to determine the box that an items goes in.

pls someone help me

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Post what code you have so far and I'll see if I can help out.


int main()
 using namespace std;
ifstream in_stream;
ofstream out_stream;


double first,second,third,forth;
in_stream >> first >> second >> third >>forth;
out_stream << "i need " <<       << "boxes to back this items" <<endl;

return 0; 

its an example of 4th items

use code tags next time.

This is one mistake you made (missing the "_"'s in the variable names)


For the rest of it I can help you out a bit more but I need to know what kind of containers you can use (array, vector) if any.
I'll post a bit of code after you tell me that but I will still leave you work to do with it because I'm not doing your whole assignment for you.

^ Just reread first post about queues

Now after looking at these queues I decided to just write the whole thing out but there is a flaw with this code and I'll leave it to you to fix it.
If you enter the numbers 10 9 6 3 2 2 it would say you need 4 boxes and the last box would have a 2 in it when if you were to work that out on paper the best way to pack that would be to have the 3 in the last box. This would return 4 either way but for examples with more numbers this could cause problems.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <queue>

using namespace std;

int main()
	priority_queue<double> items, pile;
	double in, weight = 0;
	int boxes = 0;
	ifstream in_stream;
	ofstream out_stream;
	while(in_stream >> in) //gets all the data out of the file and puts it into the items container
	while( items.size() != 0 ) //while there are still objects to be placed into boxes
		while( weight < 10 && items.size() > 0 ) //while the weight is not 10 or and you are not out of numbers in the main container
			if( weight + items.top() <= 10 ) //if the item can fix in the box
				weight += items.top(); //add it to the weight
				items.pop(); //remove it from the list
			else //otherwise
				pile.push(items.top()); //add to the not able to be used list
				items.pop(); //remove it from the list
		boxes++; //add a box
		weight = 0; //reset weight
		while( pile.size() > 0 ) //dump all items from the pile list into the item list
	if( boxes == 1 )
		out_stream << "I need " << boxes <<  " box to pack these items." <<endl;
		out_stream << "I need " << boxes <<  " boxes to pack these items." <<endl;
	return 0;

very thank u. i will work on it and find it out

a little bit more help??? until now he had this:
Scan the items in the order given; place each new item in the most-filled box that can accept it without overflowing.
Use a priority queue to determine the box that an item goes in.
now:we have also a second question
Sort the items, placing the heaviest item first; then use the strategy in part (a).

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