I have a hmwk assignment that i'm stuck on....It calls for a while loop so I need to basically repeat this 4 times but I cannot for the life of me figure it out....any help would be great I narrow the code down so it works when I input the hours and rates...I just need to repeat this

Make a flowchart and write the Python 3.0 program for the following problem. A list of employees names, hours worked in a week and the hourly rate of pay is entered. Read in each employee’s data and print out the pay for the week ( including 1.5 times overtime pay for hours over 40). At the end, print the total pay for all employees. Some sample data is shown below (with the corresponding output). Hint: First write a while loop to read in employee data (one employee at a time) and print it. Then enhance your work to process an employee without overtime pay. Then include overtime pay and finally, produce the total pay.



“John Smith”, 50, 10

“Jane Doe”, 40, 15

“Mark Manning”, 60, 12

“ “, 0, 0


John Smith’s pay=$550.00

Jane Doe’s pay=$600.00

Mark Manning’s pay=$840.00

Total pay=$1990.00

#This program calculates and prints pay given
#rate and hours worked

employeeName=str(input("Enter employee name: "))

rate=float(input("Enter rate: "))
hours=float(input("Enter hours worked: "))

if hours>40:
    pay = 40 * rate + (hours - 40) * 1.5 * rate
    if hours>40:
        overtime=(hours - 40) * 1.5 * rate
        print("For this week overtime earned $",overtime)
    pay = hours * rate
    overtime=(hours - 40) * 1.5 * rate
    print("For this week overtime earned $",overtime)
print("For this week you earned $",pay

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Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

here's what you can do:

for i in range( 4 ):  # since you want 4 repetitions
    employeeName = str( input( "Enter employee name: " ) )

    rate = float( input( "Enter rate: " ) )
    hours = float( input( "Enter hours worked: " ) )

    if hours>40:
        pay = 40 * rate + ( hours - 40 ) * 1.5 * rate
        overtime = ( hours - 40 ) * 1.5 * rate
        print ( "For this week overtime earned $", overtime )
        pay = hours * rate
        overtime = ( hours - 40 ) * 1.5 * rate
        print ( "For this week overtime earned $",overtime )
    print ( "For this week you earned $", pay )

just put everything in a for loop :)
pls next time put code tags, it's hard to read otherwise

hope this helps :)

commented: very helpful information +0

I thought range index started at 0. If it does, then range( 3 )?

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

@ soldner :)
yes range starts from 0 by default, so range( 4 ) returns [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], excluding the index as required here:

It calls for a while loop so I need to basically repeat this 4 times

range( 3 ) would produce [ 0, 1, 2 ] :)

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