Can You give me the code of detecting text from an image, i am a student and i am doing programing at beginner level. so please help me out.

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well show us your effort what you have done so far........

Hi you can use the MODI(Microsoft Office Document Imaging) located at MDIVWCTL.DLL
you have to add a reference to this COM
1- Create a Document Instance and Assign an Image File

_MODIDocument = new MODI.Document(); 

2-Call the OCR Method


first parameter (The Language)
2nd parameter (using autorotation) true/false
3rd parameter (StraightenImage) true/false

You can use OnOCRProgress Event to tracking the image proccess progress

to get the data you create

MODI.Image image = (MODI.Image)_MODIDocument.Images[i];

for more information visit

I am ASIM REHAN, i forget my password so i have created new id...
i have done work on bit patterns and RGB color combination, now i want to read text from an image. as i have said that i am a student and i want to know the direction to start my work so i want a demo OCR to work further on it. being a student a have requested u with lot of hope and expectations.

Can You give me the code of detecting text from an image, i am a student and i am doing programing at beginner level. so please help me out.


Try this

Bitmap image = new Bitmap("eurotext.tif");
tessnet2.Tesseract ocr = new tessnet2.Tesseract();
ocr.SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "0123456789"); // If digit only
ocr.Init(@"c:\temp", "fra", false); // To use correct tessdata
List<tessnet2.Word> result = ocr.DoOCR(image, Rectangle.Empty);
foreach (tessnet2.Word word in result)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", word.Confidence, word.Text);

For more details see this link

i am v.thankful to you both. i will take help from you in the project completion.

thanks. i will take more help :-)

I hope the technology doesn't get too good, the image fuzzed text validation box to prevent reading text from images is unreadable enough as it is.

please continue helping me, where ever you get nay ocr with coding........

Is it possible to open a pdf file in a pictureBox .
If it is possible then please help me regarding this issue, if there is other way to open an image then please tell me..
i have to read the text from the pdf files so in this case please help me out.

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