Why java doesn't support multiple inheritance?thank you....

Because that is how it was written. There is no why. Maybe you should rephrase your question

Yeah, obviously it is just how Java was written. But the reason for that was, in no small part, based on C++, where multiple inheritance can get very messy. I don't remember the issues very well (as I'm not a cpp programmer), but one issue is that naming of methods can get messy. But in Java, interfaces (and implementation thereof) can serve the same purpose as multiple inheritance.

There is always a Why to everything...and definitely there will a reason behind it...Mr.Java Addict

By googling i found out this answer :
The authors of the Java language took a design decision to compromise multiple inheritance with interfaces, the specifics of this decision may be covered in other sources. Practically, multiple inheritance is difficult because of the ambiguities it can create when a class inherits from two superclasses with the same method signature: which version should be called?

because of the ambiguities it can create when a class inherits from two superclasses with the same method signature: which version should be called?

Which is exactly what I thought the issue was, except I do not see how it is any different from implementing two interfaces with the same method signatures in some of their methods, so I did not post that for fear of confusing you. But now that you've found the info on your own we can discuss. :)

P.S. It is not JavaAddicts fault, whether or not he already knew that bit of information, you could have easily googled for the info before even posting this thread.

I found the question confusing and rather vague in order to give a complete answer.
My point was, that since it was the developer's decision not to have multiple inheritance, perhaps you would have gotten a better answer if you had searched some of the documentations of java

Hey Mr.BestJew you need not tell me to google or not google before posting a thread.......stop giving ur crap suggestions.....its upto me to post the thread or not....

commented: it's not a "crap suggestion" at all -1
commented: insulting other members isn't going to make you friends. -2

Hey Mr.BestJew you need not tell me to google or not google before posting a thread.......stop giving ur crap suggestions.....its upto me to post the thread or not....

Mr. Mr check your attitude here. Everyone's here to help but it isn't to be taken for granted no one's obliged to help you. Yes you can certainly decide whether you want to post or not, but so can javaAddict and BestJew... whether they want to help or not and mind you they did.

What BJSJC adviced you, was what's considered appropriate. Every forum recommends a poster to search for the information in all places he can and then if he still doesn't get a satisfactory answer advices to post. This way not only is the poster getting the help without delays, but if you still have any questions you will be supposedly having enough background information to frame the question in the right way. In short he means to say that if you can so easily find the information on google you may as well have tried it before posting here and there's nothing to get intimidated by it.

Jave in fact does have multiple inheritance. It just doesn't have multiple inheritance of implementations.
If Java didn't, classes could not implement more than one interface.

And yes, check your attitude.

Well..... My attitude is very fine and pretty good!!!........It is easy to give suggestions to others....well i am saying it again...its upto me to post a thread or not....Mr.BJSJC can never ask me to go and check out in google b4 posting...guyz if u have posted some question here and i say go and check out in google b4 u post this here(u might get offended).....bcoz it happened to me everyone gives deaf year and give some suggestions......

I guess you are not trying to understand here that the suggestions given were for your own good instead you are being offended by that, thats whats wrong. To repeat myself, what BJSJC suggested you is common advice that you would find in every forum's recommeded suggestions and what is repeated here once every now and then. I suggest you read this wonderful essay on how to ask questions the smart way and what you would find out is that BJSJC was just trying to suggest you the same. If someone gives you a suggestion for good, you may as well not take it, it's upto you, but there's no need to come back after that someone, thats what we are calling incorrect attitude, hope you get this.

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