Incomplete dice game function, dunno why does'nt works...

If you're not using windows, change the dir. "C:/"

def bet(Bet):
        f = open('C:/money.txt')
        print f
        money = f.readline()
        print ('You have', money, 'Dollars. Wanna play dice(y/n)?')
        v = raw_input()
        if v == 'y':
            # here i'm printing those values because they seem to be bugged when "money = money - Bet", but not in print Bet or print Money
            print money
            print Bet
            money = money - Bet
            dice = random.randrange(1,7)
            if dice == 6:
                money = money + (Bet * 5)
                print '6! Yey! You have', money, 'Dollars'
                print 'Damm, a', dice, '!', 'Yo have now', money, 'dollars.'
    except IOError:
        money = 1000
        file = open('c:/money.txt', 'w')
        file.write ('1000')

It reports:

>>> bet(10)
<open file 'C:/money.txt', mode 'r' at 0x015A4340>
('You have', '1000', 'Dollars. Wanna play dice(y/n)?')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:/Documents and Settings/Terminal/Desktop/", line 13, in bet
    money = money - Bet
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

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All 5 Replies

How dos your money.txt look?

Change to this money = int(money) - Bet .

Type check print type(money) . print type(Bet) Your desgin could be better, a long funtion that only ends(no loop)
Try to make a main function that has meny and question then that function call the bet function.
Betting is done and it goes back to main.

Replace line 5 with money = int(f.readline().strip()) .

How dos your money.txt look?

Change to this money = int(money) - Bet .

Type check print type(money) . print type(Bet) Your desgin could be better, a long funtion that only ends(no loop)
Try to make a main function that has meny and question then that function call the bet function.
Betting is done and it goes back to main.

gee thanks, that worked

I'll read about "int"

int is simple function that changes "numeric" strings into integers. There is also double(), str() etc

it's failing because you're trying to subtract an int (Bet) from a string (money). You need to convert the string you read in from the money file into an int. You can use the built-in function int(string) to do that.

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