I need help with my assi. I don't even understand what the questionis . Q. write a program that will input an integer valve and calculate the value of nBr where nBr is the smallest integer such that 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 +....... nBr^2 >= value
( these are square of one and two .....)
for example if you input 50, then the program would display 5 since 1+4+9+16 = 30, but 1+4+9+16+25= 55

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So can you do the very first step, and the very last step?

- read an integer value
- and display it

These things are built one step at a time. Don't look at the whole assignment, imagine smaller parts.

So can you do the very first step, and the very last step?

- read an integer value
- and display it

These things are built one step at a time. Don't look at the whole assignment, imagine smaller parts.

well here is the design that I came up with

Value: = 0;
number := 0;
While(value <= number)
Multiply number x number
Add 1 to number
Until (value == number);

does it look ok?

> Multiply number x number
And do what with it?

> While(value <= number)
> Until (value == number);

You need
- a loop variable counting 1 2 3 ....
- a sum for 1^2 + 2^2 etc
- a target value (read from the user)

> Multiply number x number
And do what with it?

> While(value <= number)
> Until (value == number);

You need
- a loop variable counting 1 2 3 ....
- a sum for 1^2 + 2^2 etc
- a target value (read from the user)

ok here what I've done sofar but I'm still running into errors


INCLUDE io.h            ; header file for input/output

.STACK 4096

targetValue   DWORD   ?
nbrTerms      DWORD   ?
number        DWORD   ?
prompt1 BYTE    "Enter the integer value", 0
string  BYTE    40 DUP (?)
resultLbl BYTE  "Number of terms", 0
nbrTerms     BYTE    11 DUP (?), 0

_MainProc PROC
	input   prompt1, string, 40      ; read ASCII characters
	atod    string                        ; convert to integer
	dtoa    targetValue, ecx         ; convert to ASCII characters
	mov     ecx,targetValue	   ;store targetValue in ecx
	mov     eax,nbrTerms	   ;store nbrTerms in eax
	mov	ah,number	  ;store number in ah 
whileB:     cmp     nbrTerms,1	  ;nbrTerms==1
	  jne     endwhileB		  ;exit if not equal
	 mul	ah,ah		  ;multiply number by itself
ifB:	cmp	ecx,eax	  ;comparing targetVale to nbrTerms
	jnle   ifB	                 ;exit if not targetVale<= nbrTerms
	inc  eax			  ;add 1 increment++
	jmp     whileB		  ;repeat the while loop
	output  resultLbl, nbrTerms          ; output labeLb1 nbrTerms

	mov     eax,eax  ; exit 
_MainProc ENDP
END                             ; end of source code
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