This exercise had me build on an earlier program - first ask user if wants to compute, then (if yes) choose circle or rectangle, then prompt for appropriate inputs, calculate, and run again.

I had a major brain freeze, such that this has taken me many hours just to get to this stage. It isn't quite finished but I'm stuck.

When I run this the program ignores the very first user input - should only be Y, y, N or n, and jumps right to the second prompt (type in circle or rectangle).

Can anyone tell me why?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
int main()
    char compute;	// declare and initialize all integer variables to 0
	bool response1 = false;
	bool response2 = false;
	bool response3 = false;
	bool response4 = false;
	int radius = 0;	
	int length = 0;																		
    int width = 0;
	int area = 0;
    int perimeter = 0;
	string shape;
	const string circle ("circle");
	const string rectangle ("rectangle");
	const double PI = 3.14159;
	cout << "This program will calculate the area and perimeter" << endl;	// tell the user what the program will do
	cout << "of either a circle or a rectangle." << endl;
	cout << endl << endl;	

	cout << "Do you wish to compute the area and perimeter of a shape?" << endl;	// prompt the user to select to continue or not
	cout << "Please type in a 'Y' or a 'y' for yes or an 'N' or an 'n' for no." << endl;
	cout << "Then press enter." << endl;
	cout << endl;
	cin >> compute;
	cout << endl;

	while (!response1)	// create loop to ensure proper response to compute question
		if ((compute = 'Y') || (compute = 'y'))
			response1 = true;
			cout << "Please type in 'circle' or 'rectangle' and press enter." << endl;
			cin >> shape; 

			while (!response2)	// create loop to ensure proper response to shape question
				if ( == 0)
					response2 = true;
					cout << "Please type in a positive radius, in inches, of the circle " << endl;	// prompt for user to input radius
					cout << "then push the enter key" << endl;
					cout << endl;
					cin >> radius;
					while (!response3) // create loop to ensure propre input for radius
						if (radius > 0)	// if "radius" is in proper format, set flag to exit loop, calculate are and perimeter, and print out		
							response3 = true; 
							area = PI * radius * radius;
							perimeter = 2 * PI * radius;

							cout << endl;
							cout << "The area of the " << shape << " is " << area << " square inches" <<endl;	// output appropriate answers to users inputs
							cout << "The perimeter of the " << shape << " is " << perimeter << " linear inches" <<endl;
							cout << endl;
							area = 0;	// reset variables to zero
							perimeter = 0;
						else // if "radius" in not in proper format, prompt user to try again. will now go back to start of loop				
							cout << "You input an improper number" << endl;
							cout << "Please try again" << endl;
							cout << "Please type in a positive radius, in inches, of the circle " << endl;	// prompt for user to input radius
							cout << "then push the enter key" << endl;
							cout << endl;
							cin >> radius;
				else if ( == 0)	// default is rectangle 
					response2 = true;
					cout << "Please type in a positive length, in inches, of one side of the rectangle" << endl;
					cout << "then push the enter key" << endl;
					cout << endl;
					cin >> length;
					cout << endl;
					cout << "Now please type in a positive width, in inches, of one side of the rectangle" << endl; 
					cout << "then push the enter key" << endl;
					cout << endl;
					cin >> width;
					while (!response4) 
						if ((length > 0) && (width > 0))	// if both "length" and "width" are both in proper format ( > zero) - set flags to exit loop, calculate area and perimeter and print out
							response4 = true;
							area = width * length;
							perimeter = 2 * (width + length);

							cout << endl;
							cout << "The area of the " << shape << " is " << area << " square inches" <<endl;	// output appropriate answers to users inputs
							cout << "The perimeter of the " << shape << " is " << perimeter << " linear inches" <<endl;
							cout << endl;
							length = 0; // set relevant variables back to zero		
							width = 0;
						else	// if "length" && "width" not in proper format, prompt user to try again. will now go back to start of loop
							cout << "The number you input for length or width, or both, are incorrect" << endl;
							cout << "Please try again" << endl;
				{	// if response is neither circle or rectangle do not drop out of loop but ask again
					cout << "Your response is not in the correct format" << endl;
					cout << "Please try again" << endl;

					cout << "Please type in 'circle' or 'rectangle' and press enter." << endl;
					cin >> shape; 
		else if ((compute = 'N') || (compute = 'n')) // advise user that program will exit
			response1 = true;		
			cout << "You have chosen to not continue." << endl;
			cout << "The program will now exit" << endl;
		{	// if response is neither compute nor not compute do not drop out of loop but ask again
			cout << "Your response is not in the correct format" << endl;
			cout << "Please try again" << endl;
			cout << "Do you wish to compute the area and perimeter of a shape?" << endl;
			cout << "Please type in a 'Y' or a 'y' for yes or an 'N' or an 'n' for no." << endl;
			cout << "Then press enter." << endl;
			cout << endl << endl;
			cin >> compute;
return 0;

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All 2 Replies

Sorry but the formatting just makes that horribly difficult to read. I did notice though that within your first loop you set compute = 'Y' instead of a comparison resulting in a boolean which should read compute == 'Y'.

I hope that helps

Sorry but the formatting just makes that horribly difficult to read. I did notice though that within your first loop you set compute = 'Y' instead of a comparison resulting in a boolean which should read compute == 'Y'.

I hope that helps

YES INDEED! I am a noob! Thanks for finding that so quickly.

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