Running Mono on Ubuntu 9.10


using System;
using SdlDotNet;
using SdlDotNet.Core;
using SdlDotNet.Graphics;
using System.Drawing;

namespace TroutWars
	class MainClass
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			Video.SetVideoMode(1024, 768);
			Events.Quit += new EventHandler < QuitEventArgs > (Quit);
		void Quit(object sender, QuitEventArgs e)


using System;
using SdlDotNet;
using SdlDotNet.Core;
using SdlDotNet.Graphics;
using System.Drawing

namespace TroutWars
	public class TroutWars
		public TroutWars()
			Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

Thanks for any and all help.

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Error says that namespace is c# keyword and it is used as an identifier.

Yea I seen that, I put it at the top of the page!

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