Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click
If txtuser.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please Enter a Username or Password, DOnt leave it blank", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Access Error")
ElseIf txtPass.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please Enter a Username or Password, DOnt leave it blank", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Access Error")
End If

Dim ConStr As String = "server=localhost;database=library;uid=root;password=localhost;"
Dim conn As MySqlConnection
conn = New MySqlConnection(ConStr)
Dim qry As String = "select * from accesscode "
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim dat As MySqlDataAdapter
dat = New MySqlDataAdapter(qry, conn)
dat.Fill(ds, "accesscode")

' Open connection

If ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(0).Item("username") = txtuser.Text And _
ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(0).Item("password").ToString = txtPass.Text Then



MsgBox("Access Denied", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Security error")
End If
txtPass.PasswordChar = "*"
End Sub

this code is running but it only reads the first column in my database...the other stored account,if i entered will be"Access Denied ..."

i hope someone can help me to solved this problem ..

thanks in advance for you help..

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this code is running but it only reads the first column in my database.

Do you mean first row?

You reference the second row:

If ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(1).Item("username") = txtuser.Text And _
ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(1).Item("password").ToString = txtPass.Text Then

and I think you're trying to lookup a matching username/password pair so you'll need a loop:

Dim RowIX As Integer
RowIX = 0
Do Until <ds.Tables("accesscode") has no more rows>
  If ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(RowIX).Item("username") = txtuser.Text And _
  ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(RowIX).Item("password").ToString = txtPass.Text Then
  < your code in here >
  ' Increase row index counter
  RowIX += 1

That's a bit pseudo code, I was too lazy to check the exact syntax, but I believe you got the idea.


create a new class for SQLconnection

'Call this to execute a SELECT statement 
Public Function Execute_SP_DataReader(ByVal sp_name As String, _
             ByVal param As SqlParameter()) As SqlDataReader

    Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sp_name, c)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

    'parse and add the parameters
    For Each p As SqlParameter In param
    Return cmd.ExecuteReader()

End Function

Then Call using this in your prog:

      Dim drResult As SqlDataReader
      Dim param() As SqlParameter = {New SqlParameter("@employeeName", employeeName)                     ,_ New SqlParameter("@Password", Password)}

       drResult = Conn.Execute_SP_DataReader("[sp_CheckLogIn]", param)
           'display all associated info here

           dim x as string
           dim y as string


      x = drResult("username")
      y = drResult("password")

      if (x.Equals(txtuser.text) and y.Equals(txtPass.text)) then
      MsgBox("Your Connected")


Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("User does not exist in the Database!")
End Try

        'garbage collection

Note: Create first a Stored Procedure in SQLserver in this example i named it sp_CheckLogIn..


Do you mean first row?

You reference the second row:

If ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(1).Item("username") = txtuser.Text And _
ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(1).Item("password").ToString = txtPass.Text Then

and I think you're trying to lookup a matching username/password pair so you'll need a loop:

Dim RowIX As Integer
RowIX = 0
Do Until <ds.Tables("accesscode") has no more rows>
  If ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(RowIX).Item("username") = txtuser.Text And _
  ds.Tables("accesscode").Rows(RowIX).Item("password").ToString = txtPass.Text Then
  < your code in here >
  ' Increase row index counter
  RowIX += 1

That's a bit pseudo code, I was too lazy to check the exact syntax, but I believe you got the idea.


yah right thats row.. sorry my bad ...

but tnx for your response sir...

thanks for the hepl sir...^^,

Hi! Nice to hear that you got answer to your problem. Could you please mark the thread as solved. Thank you!

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