
I'm trying to setup a DataGridView with ComboBox, but I can't manage to setup the selected value of the combobox.

The ComboBox value & display members are from table[1] of a Dataset object, and the rest of the datagrid columns are from Table[0] of the dataset. "noseID" (the primary key in Table[1] and the foreign key in Table[0]). How do I apply a selected value for the combobox? Here's my code:

private void SetupDataGridView()
            DataGridViewComboBoxColumn comboGrid = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
            comboGrid.DataSource = dsRisk.Tables[1];
            comboGrid.DisplayMember = "NoseDesc";
            comboGrid.ValueMember = "NoseID";
            afikimGrid.DataSource = dsRisk.Tables[0];



Microsoft's Combobox takes objects of type Object, such as strings, and not spesific Objects.

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