SpiritualMadMan 39 Junior Poster in Training

I have a 3rd party DLL interface to a program that I need to interface to.

I have C++ Example code that does what it says it does.

But, even though it is very bare bones, I really don't understand it at all.

The example is written for and I am usind C++ (VS6).

STDMETHOD(Input)(LONG lType, BSTR sFmt, BSTR * pVal)
    if (pVal == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;
    *pVal = ::SysAllocString(L"TRUE"); // Added
    return S_OK; // Changed
    USES_CONVERSION; // This line and line below are added
    ::MessageBox(NULL, OLE2T(val), _T("ButtonResource"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
    return S_OK; // Changed

These are the code snippets I want to modify.

Note: INPUT and OUTPUT is referenced to the 3rd party DLL. The sample code is set up as a simple ATL Object and the project compiles to an EXE that self-registers using the /RegServer command line option.

What I would like to do is add a form that would pop-up the first time the 3rd party DLL "hits" my code and would stay up until I manually kill it.

I would also like two ListBoxes one to show the OUTPUT string from the DLL and another to show the INPUT request parameters.

Everytime I try to add anything to the project I break it!

I am a pretty good VB6 programmer. But, this C++ stuff has me totally mystified.

*ANY* (positive) help would be appreciated.


Mike Sr.

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