So i am suppose to write two methods called superPop and superPush. superPop() pops a StarLine object from the stack, sends it to System.out.print, and returns it. superPush() pushes a StarLine object onto the stack, sends it to System.out.print, and returns it. I am continuing to try new things but any help would be greatly appreciated. So far I have this written for this new class I am creating:

import java.util.*;

public class AllStars extends MyStack{
  public StarLine superPop(){
    if(empty()) {
      throw new EmptyStackException();
  public StarLine superPush(StarLine stars){

Also here is the Starline class which we are using:

public class StarLine {
 int starCount = 0;
 int leadingSpaces = 0;
 public StarLine(int n, int m){
  leadingSpaces = n;
  starCount = m;
 public String toString(){
  String res = "";
  for (int i=0; i<leadingSpaces; i++)
   res += " ";
  for (int i=0; i<starCount; i++)
   res += "*";
  return res;
 public static void main (String[] args) {
  StarLine stars = new StarLine(3,5);


What about MyStack? Presumably it implements the push and pop methods, right? If so you need to call pop from superPop, and call push from superPush.

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