Hello dears.
I am using python 2.6 in Ubuntu 10.10.
I need an interface that make me able to trace my project.
for example portable python ver 1.1 has this ability.
please intruduse me an interface that be compatible with my os.


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According to this, which python module do you use for "project tracing" ?

I used pyScripter.and when I write my code can trace it step by step with F7.
I need an interface like it in linux _ubuntu_.

Friends, no one use an interface with this ability?
So if you want to trace your codes step by step, How do u do it?

Lets discuss stronger.
Lets List all _or at least more important_ interfaces of python that use in different operation systems.
for example a list of python interfaces that are used in linux, windows, mac or etc.

Friends, no one use an interface with this ability?
So if you want to trace your codes step by step, How do u do it?

Lets discuss stronger.
Lets List all _or at least more important_ interfaces of python that use in different operation systems.
for example a list of python interfaces that are used in linux, windows, mac or etc.

Have a look in this page http://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments

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