
I want to write my C functions in 2 separate .c files and use my IDE (code blocks) to compile everything together.

How do I set that up in code blocks?

How do I call functions in one .c file from within the other file?

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Normally, you would prototype all the functions that you want to use in one .c file that are defined in another in a header (.h) file, then use the #include statement to include that header, and then indicate to the linker that you are going to use both .c files.

You could also just #include the .c file in the other, but this is considered bad practice.



#ifndef FILE1_H
#define FILE1_H
int fun();


int fun()
     printf("in fnuction");


int main()
   return 0;

If you are using some IDE, you can directly build the project because it will do the linking for you.

If you are working in Linux/Unix, do the following:

cc -o testout file1.c file2.c



to run your program.

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