We have migrated our application from an old system (32bit) to this new 64bit server running Sql Server 2008. The code has not changed but however we are getting an error when we are trying to pull data across from our ERP system. We have upgraded the odbc drivers to allow us to make the communication to the new system. The SQL is supposed to pull across data and it is working on the old system. The new system it does not. The code is within a try catch block but, even though the odbcDataReader does not get any data there is no apparent error and the catch block does not execute. I even have another process that works but the sql statement only pulls back a single row. I've checked my sql in the enterprise manager and it parses fine. I would value any suggestions on how to debug this if anybody has had similar experience migrating from 32 to 64 bit servers and having odbc problems.


May be helpful to know which ODBC driver are you using? also which parameters?

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