I'm trying to run this program all together without it being separated into header files and cpp files. Run the program, it just says there's syntax errors. Another problem I'm getting is when the program actually runs, the second event's data arguments don't do anything at all...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Date
	// this is a simple Date class to demonstrate the use 
	// of composition inheritance. this class will be 
	// part of the definition of the Event class
	void setDate(int = 1, int = 1, int = 2000); //mutator function
	void getDate(int &n, int &d, int &y);//accessor function
	void printDate(); // display function
	Date (int month, int day, int year); //regular constructors
	Date();//default constructor
	//three private data members
	int month;
	int day;
	int year;

class Event
{		// Class that "has-a" Time and "has-a" Date object as part
		// of it's definition to demonstrate composition inheritance
	void setEventData(string EventName, int hour, int minute, int month, int day, int year);
	void printEventData();
	Event(string eventName = "Generic Event", int hour = 0, int minute = 0, 
					int month = 1, int day = 1, int year = 2000); //member initialization list
	string eventName;
	Time eventTime; // a Time object is now a private data member of the class Event
	Date eventDate; // a Date object is now a private data member of the class Event

class Time
	// this is a simple time class to demonstrate the use 
	// of composition inheritance. this class will be
	// part of the definition of the Event class
	void setTime(int hr, int min);// mutator function
	void getTime(int &hr, int &min); //accessor function
	void printTime(); // display function
	Time(int hr, int min); // regular constructor
	Time(); //default constructor
	//two private data members
	int hour;
	int minute;

//regular constructor implementation
Date::Date(int m, int d, int yr) {month = m; day =d; year = yr;}

//default constructor implementation
Date::Date() { month = day = 1; year = 2000;}

void Date::setDate( int month, int day, int year )
	month = 1;
	day = 1;
	year = 1;

void Date::getDate(int &m, int &d, int &y)
	m = month;
	d = day;
	y = year;

void Date::printDate()
	cout << month << "/" << day << "/" << year;

Time::Time( int hr, int min) { hour = hr; minute = min; }

Time::Time() { hour = minute = 0; }

void Time::setTime( int hr, int min )
	hour = hr;
	minute = min;

void Time::getTime( int &hr, int &min )
	hr = hour;
	min = minute;

void Time::printTime()
	if ( hour < 10 )
		cout << "0";
	cout << hour << ":";
	if (minute < 10 )
			cout << "0";
	cout << minute;
Event::Event(string name, int hour, int minute, int month, int day, int year)
	:eventTime(hour, minute), eventDate(month,day,year) // member initialization list
	eventName = name;

void Event::setEventData(string name, int hr, int min, int mon, int day, int yr)
	eventName = name;
	eventTime.setTime(hr, min);
	//we could use the Time object eventTime to directly access the public function setTime() that is declared inside the Time class
	eventDate.setDate(mon, day, yr);
	//we could use the Date object eventDate to directly access the public function setDate() that is declared inside the Date class

void Event::printEventData()
	cout << eventName << " occurs ";
	//we could use the Date object eventDate to directly access the public function printDate() that is declared inside the Date class
	cout << " at ";
	//we could use the Time object eventTime to directly access the public function printDate() that is declared inside the Time class

int main()

	Event event("New Year's Day", 0, 1, 1, 1, 2008);
	cout << endl;

	//Event event2("Valentine's Day", 12, 15, 2, 14, 2010);
	event.setEventData("Valentine's Day", 12, 15, 2, 14, 2010);
	cout << endl;

	return 0;

>> Run the program, it just says there's syntax errors.

It either runs or there are syntax errors. If there are syntax errors, it won't compile, so it can't run. There could be a RUN-TIME error, but that's not a syntax error. What's the exact error message, what's the line number, and is it a run-time error or a compile error?

>> Another problem I'm getting is when the program actually runs, the second event's data arguments don't do anything at all...

There is one and only one Event object. There is no second Event. If line 142 was uncommented, there would be a second Event.

As far as the parameters not doing anything, I'm guessing it's because this function doesn't use the parameters it's passed.

void Date::setDate( int month, int day, int year )
	month = 1;
	day = 1;
	year = 1;
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