Hi,i am doing window form using VB C#.
My problem as below:

Dictionary<string, double> sortList1 = new Dictionary<string, double>();//contain key and //values

Dictionary<string, double> sortList2 = new Dictionary<string, double>();//empty

// do events                                                           

                int j = 0;
                foreach (double doub5 in sortList1.Values)
                    holder = (doub5 * 100 / richTextBox2.Lines.Length) * bt;                      

i wants to store the keys of sortList1 and the new values (holder) into sortList2. How to do? Thanks you.

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Impossibe in these kind of collections.
You cannot store type string into type of variable.
What do I mean: your 1st array has the string as for a key, and 2nd array`s Value is the double.
Chanage that. Then you simply code the key from array1 to the value of array2.

Do a loop of KeyValuePair<sting, double> of the dictionary1, and pass the key of the current to the value of the 2nd dictionary.


If like that , is it possible to overwrite/replace the values of sortList1 with the new values(holder) on the Dictionary?

I means for each specific keys:

Key Value
2 49
3 70
5 10
6 10

i want to replaces the value with new values (holder) for each specific key. holder is the values after compute by formula statement.

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