i hav no idea abt MySQL, but i have a program with access database. Is it possible to convert it to MySQL database?? Any HELP please..
and i wanted to know also that all the code also will need to be change??

any way how should i start..??


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Use any third party tool or do the entire process manually.

yes, your code needs to be changed.

Use any third party tool or do the entire process manually.

yes, your code needs to be changed.

do you have example of these tools..?? i got this MS access to MySql 3.0 is it good??

and about the code where i can get some help??

thanks for replying
thank you

I can't suggest you any particular tool here, google may by able to do that.

To convert the code you need to understand syntax of both the Databases.

1. Fist you need to create field mapping (create table in MySQL based on access table and their relations)

2. export the data from access
3. and import into MySQL.

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