Does anyone know how to handle errors? I want that, when errors happen such as the errors in datagrid, invalidcastexceptions or others, there should be some pop ups to show instead of the JIT dialog box. Please help me with this, this is the last part of my program (the execption handling)

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All 7 Replies

'your code here
        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try

Hello markdean.expres,

Try more exception handling events for better error handling in your program.

Thank You.

Hello markdean.expres,

Try more exception handling events for better error handling in your program.

Thank You.


The only solution you receive here is the basic about exception handling, Please don't limit yourself here. Go google , make a deep research on one of the most interesting topic.

You can have a quick start here. ( really a nice one.)

Thanks guys you have been helping all through my coding life... Coding Life?

I'll just mark this thread solved

Thanks guys you have been helping all through my coding life... Coding Life?

I'll just mark this thread solved

to abhay1234, into which event will I insert your code?

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