i have 2 column PRICE and PAYMENT in Datagrid
when i change value of 1 any cell in this Datagrid, other cells also change the value.
100 | 80 |
20 | 10 |
10 | 5 |

Row2.cells[0] = row1.cells[0] - row1.cells[1]
similar: row3.cells[0] = row2.cells[0] - row2.cells[1]
Column 1 have value read only. Only column 2 can edit value
Value each row change depends previous line.

when i change value row1.cells[1]= 60, it change below:
row2.cells[1] = 40
row3.cells[0] = 0
row3.cells[1] = 0

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It change or it should change?? What you want and what you are getting please be clear also tell us what have you done so far?

i have 2 that column, i edit any row of Colum 2,value of Row, Colum 1,2 change

private void dgvPayment_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)

private void addValue()
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            DataRow row;

            row = dt.NewRow();
            row["PRICE"] = txtPrice.Text;
            row["PAYMENT"] = txtPrice.Text;
           // Row1 of Datagrid alway = TotalPrice, next rows always =0
private void changeValue()
            int numberVotes= Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberVotes.Text);
            int Row_i = 0;

            int totalPrice = 0;
            totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(txtPrice.text);
            int left=0;

            for(int i=1;i< numberVotes;i++ )
                 Row_i = dgvPayment.Rows[i-1].Cells["PAYMENT"];
                 if(Row_i < totalPrice)
                   left = totalPrice - Row1;
                   // Get value left for next rows of Column PAYMENT
                   dgvPayment.Rows[i].Cells["PAYMENT"].Value = left.ToString();
                   totalPrice = left;
commented: Confused :( -1

Do you mean on changing any of the cell's value all other cells' values change automatically??? Strange.... You want this change on which basis?

i want it change depends value other cells of 1 column.

who's help me

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