Hi, I wants to ask how to convert DBNull to Date type?

For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
                i = 0
                Dim array As Object = row.ItemArray
 Dim a As String
                If array(i + 10) IsNot Nothing Then

                    a = CDate(array(i + 10)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")

                    array(i + 10) = DBNull.Value
                    a = array(i + 10)

                End If

                SQLStr2 = "INSERT INTO ScannedPartNoTbl (ScannedTime)" & _
                        " VALUES ('" & _
                        SQLStrCmd.ReplaceStr(a) & "')"

array(i + 10) is datetime type, in the program above, if the Datetime column contains items, it still can run. However, when it loops to a row where the Datetime column does not have value of datetime (or the column is null), then an error " Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Date' is not valid" is occured. I tried to use the if statements as program above but it seems like cannot works.
Anyone have solution for this problem?

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Means you want to insert null value to the database if the table doesnt consists of data(date)?

Yes,for the column Datetime of the table, some rows contains data, some rows is empty. Actually I also not really sure the empty field is null or means " ", the datable is generated after I joins many table and selected using sql command, the rows are empty when the joined table didnt matched

Dim getDate As SqlDateTime
getDate = SqlDateTime.Null

Try this in ur else statement

Do I needs to import class for the SqlDateTime?

ya import System.Data.SqlTypes if u didnt declare manually in ur code

The problem is still same," Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Date' is not valid"
After I change "If array(i + 10) IsNot Nothing" to "If array(i + 10) <> " " ", the error becomes " Conversion from string " " to type 'Date' is not valid", seems like it doesn't goes to else statement.

how come still gt DB NULL? I thought replace d?

Never mine, I would check my previous coding to see if there got mistakes, Thanks.

how come still gt DB NULL? I thought replace d?

I thinks should be datatable insides my program appeared error, I would check there, now :)

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