How do you span columns in C#?
In silverlight, suppose you have a grid, and this grid is in 3 columns.
and you want to add a UserControl to this grid but you want it to span all three
columns. How would that C# code look like?
But then what?
Grid1.Children.ElementAt(1).SetValue(Grid.SetRowSpan, 2); ??

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Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception


In Vb but you should get the point.

Dim SpannedButton As New System.Windows.Controls.Button
   SpannedButton.HorizontalAlignment = Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch
   SpannedButton.Content = "Spanned Three"

   Windows.Controls.Grid.SetColumn(SpannedButton, 0)
   Windows.Controls.Grid.SetRow(SpannedButton, 0)
   Windows.Controls.Grid.SetColumnSpan(SpannedButton, 3)


How do you span columns in C#?
In silverlight, suppose you have a grid, and this grid is in 3 columns.
and you want to add a UserControl to this grid but you want it to span all three
columns. How would that C# code look like?
But then what?
Grid1.Children.ElementAt(1).SetValue(Grid.SetRowSpan, 2); ??


Grid.SetColumnSpan(UserControl01, 3);

commented: Unhnd_Exception -2
Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception

Whats that suppose to mean.

Did it not work? Or where you wanting it in c# not vb. The only difference is a ; in this case.

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