import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class CreateTabbedPane extends JFrame implements ActionListener

JButton b1;
JTextField txt1;
public CreateTabbedPane()

JFrame frame = new JFrame("Tabbed Pane Frame");
JTabbedPane tab = new JTabbedPane();
  tab.addTab("Jay",new abc());
  tab.addTab("RD",ram a);


class abc extends JPanel
public abc()
txt1=new JTextField(15);
b1=new JButton("submit");

class ram extends JPanel
public ram()
String s=txt1.getText();
JLabel la=new JLabel(s);

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
a=new ram();


public static void main(String[] args)

Guys this is Advanced java program(Swings)...
this is about JTabbedPane
Details of the program:
I'm trying to make a program in which in first tab there is a textfield and a button...
if i enter any word in that textfield and press the button submit,the same word should be shown in label in the second tab...
but i tried my level best,but it is showing some error which i can't solve or debug...
pls pls help me...i don't hav any1 to teach me so please help me

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All 2 Replies

// First Define "a" outside addTab then add "a", Compiler cant recognize ram a
tab.addTab("RD",ram a);
// Its Listener
//Implement Action Listener
class abc extends JPanel
public abc()
txt1=new JTextField(15);
b1=new JButton("submit");
// JFrame is not visible to void main function , also u are using Jframe Extend then why a new JFrame.
JFrame frame

See some Java Program's.....

commented: thank u,i'l debug now +0

it is showing some error which i can't solve or debug...

When you get an error please copy and paste it here. That will speed things up for you.

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