to all programmer out there!

i'm a new visual basic 6.0 user..

i wonder if there is possibility that i can run .exe program in visual basic that without installed visual basic?

or is there any application needed.

thanks in advance..

may be without installed visual basic. I already test it . it ok

Any exe created with VB6 will run without installing vb6 in system.

Note: Not all systems have the VB6 Runtime Installed...

*IF* The VB6 Runtime is *NOT* installed and you are *NOT* using an installer you must install the VB6 Runtime for the VB6 .exe to work.

Many system already have the VB6 Runtime installed as part of another package, such as earlier MS Office versions. Not everyone already has an app installed that includes the VB6 Runtime.

I am not 100% sure, but I think MS Office 2010 is supposed to be the last version of office to support VBA as we know it.

In addition to VB6 SP 6 there were two other later patches. So, try to find a copy of the Runtime Installer for VB6 Sp6.

If the site is still up you can get it there as well as tons of Source Code to Learn from...

I need to point out another possible "killer" for a VB6 executable...

If your project uses Active-X Controls such as the MSFlexGrid, and it is not already on the target system, it will have to be added to Win-Sys32 and manually Registered if you are not using an Installer/Packager...

You can develope a project on any system. But, before sending it out, test it on a clean minimally configured system.

Again, any system that has a lot of Microsoft Products already installed may fool you into thinking the exe is all you need.

Not everyone is as deeply committed to Microsoft, so remember that Add-Ins and Project Components may ne be on the target system...

commented: agree +13

Help me please

For i = 8 / 1 / 2016 To 8 / 8 / 2016
If Text1.Text = i Then
 MsgBox "Got it"
 MsgBox "Not yet!"
End If
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