Hi all,

In c,i want to split string into array.

char *string="abcdefgh";

into char arrays like 'ab','cd','ef','gh'.

Any suggestions or ideas are welcome...

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You have to copy the characters you want into the new arrays. In your example you will have to declare four character arrays (not pointers!) that are 3 characters each, the 3d one is for the null terminating character. Then just iterate through the original string using either an index counter or a pointer, whichever one is easier for you.

Another way to do the actual copying is to call strncpy() to copy 2 characters from source to destination strings.

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And if you are up to the challenge, use dynamic arrays. :P

You have to copy the characters you want into the new arrays. In your example you will have to declare four character arrays (not pointers!) that are 3 characters each, the 3d one is for the null terminating character.

No, only 2 characters each. He wants character arrays, not c-strings.

There is no reason to allocate space for a trailing null if you are dealing with arrays, only with strings.

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